News & Media


Alina Ditot was born in Iasi in 1980. Her artistic journey leads her to tread in a few years, the most important stages of the art world. Cities such as Paris, New York, Valletta, Brussels, Rome, Palermo, Florence, are only some of the exhibition places of the artist. The important awards arrive especially from abroad. She was invited to participate at the most prestigious exhibition event of the 2014 "La Grande Exposition Universelle" that was held in Paris, inside the Eiffel Tower. In contrast to all the artists, she is not born with the paintbrush in hand, but with a pair of scissors. In the "ditottiana" idea the art must be conceived as a solution to the malaise. For this reason, through the use of scissors, the artist tears with force the canvas. A tear that indicates the malaise. A malaise, toward the sign bureaucrats and architects of the form. This malaise, the artist decides to nurture through the use of twine. The wounds must be resewn therefore. And it must be done in the shortest possible time. The art of Ditot is the art of our century. A century in which the human being kills himself. The evolution of "ditottiano" thought is easily readable. Just look at the early works of the artist and compare them with those of recent years. In its survey we find a deep cultural roots, fruit of her philosophical studies. An art that uses sociological researches, baudelaireians themes, analysis of the unconscious, biblical laws. An analysis that arrives to explore the most important disasters of recent years. An analysis that compares with themes on Dante, social problems and contemporary heresies. This analysis brings her research to deal with issues of common interest, such as those concerning the prison of Alcatraz or the Auschwitz concentration camp. Of remarkable critical interest is the manner in which the artist creates her works. A manner, which for the moment, we are not permitted to know.  


The artist is present in the following magazines, journals, newspapers and catalogs:
  • Eikon (Magazine)
  • Art Fairs International (New York) Magazine
  • Ny Arts (New York) Magazine
  • Arteshop Magazine (Magazine)
  • Art Museum Selection (Catalogs)
  • I Segnalati (Catalogs) Bruxelles
  • Effetto Arte (Magazine) 2014-15-16
  • OverArt (Magazine)
  • Red Magazine (Magazine)
  • I nuovi eredi di Jackson Pollock a cura di Salvatore Russo (Catalogs)
  • Artisti Internazionali all'Artexpo New York (Catalogs)
  • I Segnalati (Catalogs) New York
  • Protagonisti dell'Arte 2014 dal XIX Secolo ad Oggi (Catalogs) a cura di Paolo Levi
  • The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists (Catalogs) 2014-2015
  • I Segnalati (Catalogs) Edimburgo
  • Vimagazine (Magazine)
  • Business Woman Romania (Magazine)
  • Art International Contemporary Magazine (Magazine)


Below the last entries of the artist Alina Ditot: